Thursday, 12 July 2012

Help With Dog Training Is Right Here

Dogs process information differently than do humans; do not make the mistake of presuming they do. Doing so will leave one sadly disappointed by the results they receive. Read this article for some great ways to treat your new dog so that training can take place.

Most cases of dog bites are a result of fear biting. The dog will feel fear if it is startled, trapped or feels threatened. Do not get physical with your dog. Your dog might snap and bite you. By doing this, pleasing you will be one of your dog's life goals as it will see you as the pack leader.

An obedience class is a great idea for getting you and your dog on the same page. Professional instructors are available that can address all of your questions and common concerns. Classes can assist you in learning how a dog thinks, operates, and handles commands.

While it is possible to train many types of dogs together, depending on their personality, it may be impossible if you have two dogs. If your dogs are having difficulty focusing on their training when together, train them each separately. After they have received a bit of training they can be taught together.

Use a steady and commanding tone when speaking to your dog. Dogs can easily sense how their owners or trainers feel. Using a stern tone will help reinforce discipline if used appropriately.

Make an appointment with your vet to make sure there aren't health problems that are causing behavior issues. An animal that is in pain is liable to act out in ways they would normally never behave. This is the only way they have of showing us that something is wrong, since they are not able to tell us what's bothering them.

Giving your dog the favorite treat can assist you in training your dog. Rewarding him with his favorite treat will be much more satisfying and motivate him to better performance in training. Pay close attention to his response after you offer a reward.

Large dogs that prefer to lie down on their backs or stretch, out should have a big bed to get comfortable in. Plenty of pet brands make dog beds sized for larger breeds. A crib mattress is also a viable alternative. This may be beneficial as you are able to replace covers simply by adding new crib sheets. The crib mattresses are also waterproof which means they are highly durable.

Keep training sessions with your puppy short. Your puppy has a very short attention span, so start out with short sessions, and try to keep things enjoyable for both you and your pup. If you try to rush and throw in too much information, your puppy will not remember the lesson and you'll have a harder time training him.

Wee-wee pads, also known as puppy pads, could actually make potty-training harder for your puppy. These pads can leak, leaving behind invisible areas with the scent and enzymes from feces and urine that will attract your puppy back to the spot. Wee-wee pads might also cause a dog to mistake anything with a similar shape (a rug, for example) for a suitable place to relieve itself. It is best to teach dogs that they are to go potty outside only.

Use your dog's name as much as you can to make sure he is paying attention. You puppy will develop the association between his name being called, and him needing to pay attention to what you are telling him. Choose a puppy name that sounds differently than other words your puppy may hear throughout the day.

Always research and interview a behavior specialist for animals before hiring them. Talk to your behavior specialist and make sure that you are on the same page with the ideas and techniques that you would like to see implicated for your pet.

Most of all, training a dog lays out the dog/owner relationship rules. You enjoy each other much more once those guidelines are outlined. Always reinforce everything you have taught your dog. Watch out for any deviations from the proper behavior, and keep him on his toes. Once your dog is trained properly, your dog can do so much more..

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